Financial Information

At North Face Centre for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery we make every effort to provide you with the finest care at the most reasonable cost to our patients. To accomplish this we work hand-in-hand with you to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures. North Face Centre for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery follows the fee guide published by the Ontario Dental Association for Specialists. For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit and Cash. 

We are a non-assignment office, this simply means that your insurance cheque will go directly to you and not to our office. Therefore payment is due at the time service is rendered. The insurance policy is a private contractual agreement between you and your insurance company, you are directly responsible for the payment of our fees and therefore we do not make any guarantee or warranty of an estimated coverage. For your convenience and as a courtesy to you, our staff will gladly attempt to electronically process your insurance claims on your behalf or provide you with the necessary forms to submit pre-determination estimates to your insurance company so you can receive reimbursement from your provider.

Please bring your dental insurance card to your first office visit so that we can expedite reimbursement.

Please remember that you are fully responsible for all fees and payments after the consultation and/or procedure(s) performed.

Please call our office if you have any questions regarding your account.